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The role of parents and carers in school life is important. When we are involved our children do better and achieve more. The Scottish Government says, ‘Schools are most effective when they develop positive relationships with parents and the community they serve.’

The parent council works with the school to support those relationships, achieve its objectives and make improvements where needed.

Our aim is to help all children at St. Ninian’s Primary have the very best school experience possible.

Our roles are:

  • To work with everyone involved with the school to support its work
  • To represent the views of parents
  • To promote contact and communication between the school, parents, pupils and wider community
  • To report to the Parents Forum (all parents/carers).

Current office bearers are:

  • Co-Chairs – Fiona Maguire and Margaret Sked
  • Secretary – Jointly shared by Paula Morrison and Claire Robertson
  • Treasurer – Jointly Shared by Tracey Gallacher and Lindsay McKeowan

Get Involved

Please consider getting involved. You don’t need to come to every meeting. Just find one of us in the playground and let us know you want to help.